Posted in Thoughts

Too many blogs…

Before the covid crap, I had 1 blog. Its was easy to maintain and wasn’t stressful.

Then the “Covid Crap” started.

I started more blogs out of boredom and spend way more time in front screens and hurt my eyes, I gave my self headaches from too much screen time.

Then there was the excessive youtube watching.

Then I deleted my other blog “drawings inside my head” to make things simpler. Now I truly regret that.

I really want to go back to having one blog, but I dont know how to do that. Until then, I’m just uploading my stuff to “drawings inside my head’ to make it easier.

I want to publish a graphic novel but have no idea what publishers to contact.

I’m so confused and disorganised.

(c) 2022.


Im kind of burnt out with blogging after doing it for 11 years. taking a break. Only had this blog to attract publishers anyway.